This is an IRS recognized, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations & contributions are tax deductible to those who itemize on their tax returns. To donate, send check or money order to the address listed on the "Contact Us" page or click on the button below to donate by credit/debit card.
Thank you for your support and may God bless you.
Company Profile
HIS Keys to Freedom, Inc., a non-profit corporation, Christian Ministry. It is in its start-up phase and will hire administrative and support staff when a residential facility is secured. We will expand as financial provisions are obtained. Our plan is to establish our first location in the Oklahoma City area. We will not only meet the needs of released ex-offenders, but will enable and ensure strict compliance with state and local regulations. This will eliminate many ex-offenders from failing to register their residence and keep them from residing in restricted areas. We expect to have a significant effect on reducing the recidivism rate.